Why Owners Wish To Cancel
There are many reasons that owners wish to offload the burden of their timeshare contract.
Below you will find some reasons why consumers of timeshare products want to terminate their ownerships.
If you can no longer afford your timeshare due to specific changes to your financial situation then you may be able to exit your timeshare contract. For example, if you have been made redundant, have been declared bankrupt or your financial situation has dramatically changed, then you may have grounds for termination. However, your resort or developer will not make this a walk in the park, therefore we would always advise you to employ the services of a specialist.
Should your timeshare have been mis-sold and this can be proven then most certainly there will be a way to legally exit your timeshare contract. There are many instances of mis-selling and the majority of resorts tick each and every box.
Examples of mis-selling & consumer mis-representation
*Timeshare Laws applicable in a court of law in all states make it unlawful for Timeshare Corporations to defraud purchasers.
Any one violation of (a) through (f) below can constitute unlawful deception and fraud:
(a) Failure to provide certain documents and certain disclosures clearly and conspicuously as required by law, pursuant to §11225 & §11238;
(b) Failure to make proper disclosures as required by law with regard to the incidental benefits offered or not offered under the timeshare plan, pursuant to §11237;
(c) Making material misrepresentations, including, but not limited to material misrepresentations in connection with the promotion of a timeshare plan, the nature, qualities and/or characteristic of the offered timeshare plan, and/or its incidental benefits, pursuant to §11245;
(d) Charging assessments, including maintenance fees, in amounts not proscribed by law, or by failing to provide proper notice regarding the increase of fees, pursuant to §11265;
(e) Failing to deliver on certain promises within the time represented, pursuant to §11265; and,
(f) Conflicting, misleading and/or unlawful provisions among the various documents provided, pursuant to §11265;
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